We had no choice. We had to build Blink or we were going to jump out the window in frustration over the tools we were using. We started by analyzing what the must-haves were and we ended up grounding Blink on these four concepts:
• Fast rendering: dmesg in your Unix server should be instantaneous. We can't wait even a second to render. We didn't need to reinvent the wheel to make this happen. We simply used Chromium's HTerm to ensure that rendering is perfect and fast, even with those special, tricky encodings.
• Always on: Mosh transcends SSH's variability. Mosh overcomes the unstable and intermittent connectivity that we all associate with mobile connections. You can check your Safari without fear of having to restart the SSH connection. You can flawlessly jump from home, to the train, and then the office thanks to Mosh. Blink is rock-solid connected all the way. Mosh is readily available and can be easily installed on your server. Go to https://mosh.mit.edu.
• Best Keyboard Support: Blink embraces Bluetooth-coupled keyboards with gusto. But there's more, because we want more. Some like Caps as Esc on Vim, others Caps as Ctrl on Emacs. Blink champions them all. During your always-on sessions, you're in your zone.
• Custom Fonts and Themes: We know how important it is to have your terminal, your way. That's why we include a selection of fonts and themes, including Powerline variants. And if that isn't enough, you can create and add your own.
But, Blink is much more. Please read on.
• You should command your terminal, not navigate it. Blink will jump you right into a friendly shell and it'll be clear to you how to roll.
• The interface is straightforward. We dumped all menus and went full screen for your terminal. Use swipe to move between your open connections, slide down to close them, and even pinch to zoom!
• Configure your Blink connections by adding your own Hosts and RSA Encryption keys. Synchronise with iCloud. Everything will look familiar and you get to work, fast!
We've incorporated SplitView, for those necessary Google searches and chats with coworkers.
Blink is open source software. Participate in our community, and don’t forget to leave us your feedback and your feature(s) requests. Enjoy!
This week in Blink Shell... We wanted to give you a few small updates before we hide ourselves under a rock to start cooking our next major version, Blink 14. We hope you are enjoying Blink and as always, would be grateful if you left us a nice review or a cheer up message in our chat.
# Version 13.3
* Fixed Autolock bypass.
* Added support for OSC 9,777 for notification.
* Added support for OSC 10,11 color read operations.
* Fixed color palette refresh. #540
* Removed temporary output in mosh.
* Added option to bind `~` and `±` keys. #932
* Updated JetBrains Mono font to v1.0.2. #927
* Allow to map `|` with custom presses. #928
* Added option to disable third-party keyboards.
Special thanks to @arkku for PR