This app uses the basic binomial theorem for solving a binomial quickly and easily. For this, only two variables must be entered. All calculations are stored in the history. The final solution can be shared.
[ Content ]
- the variables for a and b must be entered
- calculation of a binomial with the basic binomial theorem
- history function that saves input
- short and detailed solution
- the entering of fractions and decimals is supported
- constants and/or variables can be entered
- no ads!
[ Usage ]
- there are 2 fields for entering the values using a modified keyboard
- if you have entered wrong values or values miss, the text fields are highlighted in red
- you can switch between the solution, input view and history by swiping and / or touching the buttons
- the entries in the history can be deleted or sorted manually
- if you select an entry in the history, it will be loaded automatically for the calculation
- the entire history can be deleted by pressing a key
Some users found creative ways to put their own variables into the text fields. This did cause crashes. But now the app should be able to handle this. Mission accomplished I guess.