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EPSCalc is a calculator optimized for complex calculation. This calculator allow you to see and modify all of your calculation steps.
You write sentence like this:
And you will get result in the next line.
= 116.64
Than you can easily modify input or even copy it to new line and get updated result. You can send calculation sheet by mail, clean it or open new one. Comments for result and for lines are available, so you won't forget what you calculated and why.
Copy and paste for lines inside application works without upgrade to OS 3.x.
Supported features:
1. Send calculation by mail.
2. Delete/copy/paste line.
3. Radian/degrees selection.
Following math functions are supported:
RND () random number [0, 1]
RND(x) random integer number [0, x]
ROOT(x, y) x^ (1/y)
FRAC(x) fraction part
INT(x) integer part
CEIL(x) smallest integral value that exceeds x
FLOOR(x) largest integral value less than x
ROUND(x, d) rounds x to d decimal digits, round(x) = round(x, 0)
%( percentage operator) (5% =>0.05)
^ (exponent operator) (2^3 =>8)
SIN(x) sine = sin(x)
COS(x) cosine = coos(x)
TAN(x) tangent = tan(x)
ASIN(x)arc sin = sin inverse
ACOS(x)arc cos = cos inverse
ATAN(x)arc tan = tan inverse
SINH(x)Hyperbolic sin
COSH(x)Hyperbolic cos
TANH(x)Hyperbolic tan
LN(x)ln(x) = log-e (x)
SQRT(x)square root = x^(1/2)
POW(x,y)power(number, exponent)
FACT(x)factorial(x) = x!
PIPi constant
EXP(x)exponential = e^x
Ee = Euler constant
SQR(x)square = x^2
CUBE(x)cube = x^3
CURT(x)cubic root = x^(1/3)
NEG(x)negative = -x
PCT(x)percentage = x/100
Mean(A,B,C,..) = Arithmetic Average
DEVI(A,B,C) = Standard Deviation