Come check out the latest Hollywood nutrition craze... the 7-Day Detox! This is the same plan used by Hollywood celebrities and health spas throughout the country.
This plan fulfills two goals. First, it will help you to shed those stubborn couple of pounds safely and quickly. Second, this plan will help to clean and cleanse your body, blood, and vital organs of the dangerous toxics, toxins, and preservatives from processed foods that we subject ourselves to all of the time. Improve your metabolism and the efficiency of your digestive tract and immune system.
For example, did you go on a crazy late-night alcohol infused bender with a blind date over the weekend? Or, have you been eating a lot of fast food, processed food, junk food, or TV dinners lately? If so, the recipes and cooking tips in this app will help your body's natural immune system to stay healthy and vibrant.
Just follow our simple food recipes that will take you through breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Great for when your job has you swamped and you just can't get to the gym or meet your personal trainer for your regular workout routine.
Let us worry about vitamins and minerals. You can enjoy the benefits of looking slim, trim, and skinny. Compatible with most commercial plans and point systems, plus it tastes better than cooking with Lean Cuisine.
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