This application contains the most important (vernacular and in some cases English) laws of several European countries including Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Spain and Sweden.
You can read the text of such important acts, like the Constitution, Civil Code, Penal Code, Labour Code, tax laws like value added tax, income tax and company tax acts, laws about bankruptcy, trade and business associations.
The laws were provided by:
Germany: Wolters Kluwer Deutschland GmbH
Hungary: CompLex Kiadó Kft, Wolters Kluwer csoport
Italy: Wolters Kluwer Italia
Poland: Wolters Kluwer Polska
Spain: La Ley, Wolters Kluwer groupo
The vernacular laws of Austria, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Sweden and the English translations for Czech Republic, France, Greece, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Spain and Sweden were collected from websites - they are for guidence only. The English translations of Hungarian laws were provided by CompLex Kiadó.
If you would like the most important laws of your country to be included in the application, please send the download link of the legal act to [email protected]. Thank you.