River of News is a RSS reader for the iPad that syncs with your Google Reader account.
What makes River of News different is that it brings infinite scrolling or the expanded view to the iPad. It's not based on drilling down levels of hierarchy and then back up and back down. Nor is it trying to replicate the dead tree model of laying articles out in pages of columns. Your news sources are streams, and River of News lets you scroll through them that way. Why should you have to jump back and forth between header and article? Why be forced with every article to make a worthiness decision based on a little picture and a couple lines of text? Why hit a little button or have to pull?
Why not just scroll?
Scroll up and down within a stream. Swipe left and right to change streams. Simple.
✭ Always in sync with Google Reader
✭ Unlimited feeds, folders and articles
✭ Infinite scroll
✭ Mark as read while you scroll
✭ Optimized for readability
✭ 2 fonts and 3 sizes. Choose what is comfortable for your eyes.
Share and store articles in many ways
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Email
- Instapaper
- Read it Later
- Delicious
- Tumblr