IntelliList - Grocery Shopping List (with barcode scan and Dropbox sync)

Price: $2.99


Food & Drink
Mario Zullo
37.5 MB
Compatibility: Requires iOS 8.1 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus.


IntelliList is a fast, smart and fun way to manage and share your shopping lists.

After 5 years of continuous development, tens of updates, 3 complete rewrites and thousands downloads and installs, we pride ourselves on being the most advanced and yet the most easy-to-use shopping list app on the App Store.

● Browse hundreds of preloaded items, scan a barcode or insert your own items.
● Add a photo to your items and never be confused about what to buy.
● Reuse archived lists, add items to your favorites and browse your purchase history.
● Organize items in aisles, and change aisles order to suit your local store.
● Archive your lists to reuse them and to see statistics about your purchases (for example you can identify cheaper and most expensive stores, overall and grouped by aisles).
● For each item you can save all the prices you want and compare prices of various stores.
● Insert the package size, see the price per unit and easily compare item packs.
● See how much money you can save or waste for each list.
● Identify on the fly items you're paying too much thanks to color pricing.
● Share and synchronize your lists on multiple devices by enabling the Dropbox sync. Or send your lists via email, WhatsApp, SMS or iMessage.
● Backup your data to avoid data loss.
● Customize IntelliList by choosing among 12 color templates and among 20 fonts.
● Use IntelliList on all your devices (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch): it’s an universal app.

● 'Thanks to saved money I have already recovered the app cost' ∗∗∗∗∗
● 'I have been trying different apps to find a great shopping list, and now I've found it' ∗∗∗∗∗
● 'IntelliList is an uncluttered, well-organized shopping list that is surprisingly easy to navigate and use' ( ∗∗∗∗∗
● 'I don't see myself without this app' ∗∗∗∗∗

The base version lets you create or customize up to 25 items. To create or customize an unlimited number of items you can upgrade to the full version (with a one time in-app purchase).

The matching between barcodes/photos and items is managed in a social way, through the community of IntelliList users. Inevitably, in the beginning only few barcodes/photo will be recognized. But the more people use IntelliList, the better IntelliList will get.

If you have problems or suggestions please contact us via [email protected] (you can do this from within the app itself). We are not able to help you if you simply leave a comment on the App Store. We give the greatest importance to the quality and reliability of the application, and we will be happy to solve any problem.



What's New

Hi IntelliList users, here is the biggest IntelliList update ever! We have put a lot of love and a lot of work into creating this huge update, and we hope you’ll enjoy it. As always this IS A FREE UPDATE, as a thank-you to our loyal users :-)
PS: if you like IntelliList and if you want to keep free updates coming please leave a review. It MEANS A LOT for us, really. Thank you!

● Item photo: you can import a photo from the photo library (this is by far the most requested feature ;-) ).
● Item photo: you can drag, rotate, scale and crop a photo before using it.
● Today widget: with the widget you can add items to your lists instantly, from everywhere.
● IntelliList is a lot smarter now, and does the right thing at the right time: it requires less taps (and less time) for a lot of actions.
● Item searching: you can browse the history sorted by more frequent purchases or sorted by latest purchases.
● Item searching: a section header shows, for each product, the number of purchases or the last purchase date.
● You can create a new item when you browse items by aisles.
● New list name: you can tap one of the five most frequently used names (taken from archived lists) to create a new list.
● Price selection: you can double tap an item to select a price or to add a new price.
● Lists: you can show only the items added to the cart.
● Lists: you can open another list directly from within the details window of a list.
● Lists: you can sort lists manually.
● Lists: with a single tap you can remove all the items, remaining items or in cart items from a list.
● List sharing: you can print lists with AirPrint.
● List sharing: you can share lists via WhatsApp (iPhone only).
● Archived lists: you can go from one archived list to the next/previous one.
● Units: you can hide the units of measure you never use.
● Backups: you can disable automatic backups to save space on your device (automatic backups are now disabled by default).
● Completely new quick guides, with short videos about IntelliList advanced features.

● App navigation: a tap on a row now opens the details window for the object, or selects the object, while a tap on the right button shows the toolbar. This is a huge usability improvement because the most frequently used action (object selection or details opening) is simpler than the less frequently used one (toolbar opening). Maybe this change is a little confusing in the beginning, but in the long run you'll love it.
● Prices: price labels have been reorganized.
● Items: items in a list are sorted independently from other lists.
● List sharing: you can share/print all items in a list, only remaining items or only in-cart items.
● List sharing: the barcode has been added to items when you share a list via email.
● The default store has been replaced with the last used one.
● Stores: for each store is shown the number of its prices.
● Aisles: for each aisle is shown the number of its items.
● Dropbox backups: you can delete backups created with any device, not only the ones created with the current device.
● Enhanced and expanded FAQs.
● Minor bug fixes.

IntelliList is now free with in-app purchase. Old customers (who downloaded IntelliList before the 5.x version) can upgraded for free to the full version by tapping the Restore button (maybe you are prompted to sign in into App Store to perform required checks).

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Food & Drink
Mario Zullo
37.5 MB
Compatibility: Requires iOS 8.1 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus.