This application is help to systematically manage your weight, diet, body weight.
and made of the existing applications based on various features of the customer request.
1. Main Menu
- CoverFlow menu provides refined screen.
- Grid menu provides a simple user interface screen
2. Weight input screen
- By implementing the meter We've got a feeling of physical scales.
- By keyboard also supported, so you can use better than easy.
- write note at record weight
- my icon feature
- Check the calendar date selection screen can be watching data at a glance.
3. Graph Screen
- Support landscape screen mode. so you can see easy your weight data.
- Zoom provides a (two-finger zoom) and can analyze more detailed data.
- By sweep your finger you can view your previous data easily.
4. BMI screen
- First please enter you tall(feet/cm) on setting screen,and you can see exactly your bmi data. (support feet bmi).
5. Chart screen
- chart screen help you to analyze your weight increase/decrease easily.
- support daily, weekily, monthly
6. Other Features
- Lock Mode provied
- Enable delete previous data
- Icon feature ( you can only your icon add, and you can see this chart screen )
- pound/feet and kg/cm to support both.