Sermonotes is a Sermon Notepad App build for speed and usability. As users ourselves we know that typing sermons has always been a tough experience from switching between app, archiving your sermons, scrolling through the books, copying and pasting was always a chore.
What we did was to take a different approach all together, we have managed to take away the tedious process of leveraging two apps at the same time. We have built a truly notepad centric app with a layer of Bible built on top of it.
When you type the name of the Book it automatically searches and gets your to the desired place with ease, making your experience far seamless and enjoyable like never before.
- Auto completes and searches the book as your type!
- Simplified integration of Bible
- In-Built Bible Reader
- Unified Notepad experience
- Intuitive PowerBar feature
- Fastest Bible Indexing
- Amazing AI Predictability
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Minor bug fix.