Next Action is a minimalist Task Management tool. It's designed to help you focus on the task at hand, instead of focusing on all the things that you might have to do in the future. By focusing on and achieving tasks one a time, you build confidence and momentum in your project.
The idea behind Next Action is simple: decide on the next action you need to take to move towards your goal, then do it. Once you've completed that action, decide on the next and complete that. Before you know it, you'll have completed your project!
David Allen, the author of "Getting Things Done", coined the term "Next Action" to describe one of the core steps of his "fundamental process":
1. Write down a project or situation that is most on your mind at this moment
2. Now describe in a single written sentence your intended desired outcome for this problem or situation. What needs to happen to mark this "done"?
3. Next, write down the very next physical action step required to move the situation forward.
4. Put those answers in a system you trust: Next Action
iOS 6 and iPhone 5 support