If you're a new user of FusionCalc2, there is a FREE version as well!
FusionCalc2 is the calculator of the 21st century! It is one of the most innovative and life-changing calculator ever!
*Keep your numbers where you can see them!
It's easy to get lost in calculation if you have a lot of numbers to deal with. With FusionCalc2, all you need to do is "drag and drop" the number you want to keep aside, and reuse it when ever you need to! How simpler can calculation get?
*Keep track of your numbers!
Keeping track of what a certain number stands for is very important. By double tapping on a number, you can add a note. In this way you can deal with several numbers and still stay organized.
*Keep numbers in a list!
With FusionCalc2, numbers can be stored in list form. The sum of all numbers in the list will automatically be calculated and updated in the upper area. Imagine how much time you can save by not having to press "+" each time you want to add a number?
Added 4 new click sounds!