The Groundhog Reminder helps you to manage you recurring events like paying your bills, reading the electric meter, taking your medicine and so on.
Groundhog Reminder will remind you of your events with displaying a notification like you already know from services like Whatsapp, Threema and other pushable services.
Unfortunately Groundhog Reminder has some restrictions involving with the maximum numbers of notifications. For example its more efficient to create one recurring appointment for every month (= one reminder) than creating a recurring appointment for every four weeks (= four reminders).
Also an appointment every hour saves ressources than making an appointment every 60 minutes.
The more you try to plan your appointments clever the more appointments you can create.
if you have questions about the use of Groundhog Reminder, please feel free to send me a message at appsupport at
Ps. The name "Groundhog Reminder" is originated by the movie "Groundhog day" where Bill Murray experiences several things the same day :)