Fridgely tells you when your food is going to expire so that you can use it before it does.
The average family of four wastes 25% of their food every year. Fridgely can help you cut back on food waste and save money at the same time.
Simply scan the barcode of the item you want to track and Fridgely will tell you when it is getting close to expiring.
Fridgely will send you an intelligent alert when it notices that some of your food is going to expire soon.
Organize your food into multiple spaces to ensure you never forget about the can of beans in the back of your pantry or the orange juice in your fridge.
Fridgely even shows you recipes based on the food that you already have.
- Scanned barcodes that aren't recognized will now have their information saved so that the information will appear the next time you scan them
- Added a Today Widget that displays your expired and expiring soon items
- General UI Improvements
- Fixed some bugs